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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Knows Your Soil Before Plant; These Soils Type

For you farmers around the world , it's time we go back to the organic fertilizers because we know that chemical fertilizers destroys the soil . Time for Organic Revolution rolled .
Organic fertilizer which we will apply to have characters that can make fertile ground for increased nutrient content in the complete organic fertilizer is presented , while organic fertilizers are also a variety of abortion there is an element of macro and micro elements which are needed crops .
The second advantage of organic fertilizers improves soil structure , because organic fertilizers enrich the nutrient content in the soil , making the soil barren land into fertile

The third advantage is the organic fertilizer improves the cation exchange capacity . Cation exchange capacity is the ability of the soil to improve the interaction between the ions present in the soil . Soil that has a high cation capacity are better able to provide plant nutrients than soil with low ion capacity . High content of organic matter will improve the soil cation exchange capacity
The fourth advantage is to increase the shelf life of water . Structure of compost is to absorb water ( hygroscopic ) . The water that comes stored in the pores and removed when the plants need it through the roots . The presence of water retaining soil moisture so that the plants can be protected from drought .
Excellence is the fifth increase soil biological activity . Decomposer of organic fertilizer containing microorganisms therein . These microorganisms will increase the microorganisms contained in the soil . Because of its moisture, soil temperature to be ideal for growing and developing the soil biota . The soil biota activity which resulted in a number of essential nutrients that can be absorbed by plants effectively .

Know before you plant your land, because by knowing the type of land then you will know the advantages and disadvantages of your land, what treatment needs to be done.

Know before you plant your land, because by knowing the type of land then you will know the advantages and disadvantages of your land, what treatment needs to be done.
The following are the types of soil that you need to know before you plant :
1. On soil that contains clay (clay).
This type of soil contains a lot of food but unfortunately can not be eaten by the plant due to lack of oxygen (O2). To mitigate that is to strive for available O2. The trick is to provide: compost, manure, charcoal, or other organic material to the soil becomes loose.
On sandy soil or soil that contains a lot of sand.
This soil type is difficult to bind water, dry quickly and miserable. As for how to overcome this soil is to add organic matter such as manure, green leaf manure organic perishables coupled with animal feces, soil and water in the ratio 1: 1: 1: 1, store in the drum and let stand for 3 weeks.3. At soil contains lime.
This soil type has high acidity, erosive, micro food less available (eg, iron, zinc, copper). To overcome this soil type is to provide compost, and green foliage leaves especially when the flowering plant species of butterflies such as nuts, Venus, etc.. And to lower the acidity level is done by providing fertilizers containing sulfur.
4. Soils are acidic.
Signs of acidic soil in the fields when the yellow color of rusty water, when on the ground like overgrown weeds, when planted with corn and yellow corn fruit when planted peanuts no pithy fruit. If find this soil acidity (pH) ranged between 3-5. Thus pH should be adjusted beforehand in accordance with the wishes of the plant. To address the issue of land as there are many ways including:
a. Dried soil.
Soil hoed, plowed. Land in the form of chunks left bronzed by the sun for 2 weeks.
b. Given husk.
Sprinkled soil dug up next husk charcoal mixed with soil.

c. Fixing of air in the soil.
Soil treated then ditches to avoid puddles and on peat soil is made lengthwise with a distance of 25 m to occur and the acid leaching flow.
d. Adding organic fertilizer.
By adding organic fertilizer derived from animal waste that much, then the pH of the soil will gradually fade up or in other words, the acidity decreases gradually.
e. Calcification.
To reduce the level of acidity or pH can increase agricultural lime sprinkled on the ground that has been dug and then dug then stirred with soil, when it is mixed with ground agricultural lime water can also flush with rainwater premises, allow 10 to 15 days, newly planted. To increase the amount of lime can be done by the following calculation: If we know the soil pH 4.5. Soil pH we want 6.5, then 6.5 - 4.5 = 2.0 then the provision of agricultural lime 6.8 tons / ha. Further addition can be done again after 3-5 years.

Happy acquaintance with the land

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