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Sunday, April 6, 2008

File Recovery

kaynere said...

in English
This simply share about my experience which I have done. Histeria story that i'd got, having stock with my Pentium III, i'm planning to introduce computer to my 4 year's old nephew (eccentric person, Hema said). just litlle fad, base computer addict is ordered to look-afters child , still can't separate apart with computer. well the result, I hit as a result. my litlle cutie liked to playin mouse having colour lamp, pinch-off there and here until finally format right click. whuaaaaaaaaaaaa....
Result struggles with Artemia during 1 year + back up my skripsi.... leading. world felt desists rotating... momentary ( freez). questioned here..there.. ( googling, rapiding, 4shareding,Yogyafree _ Indonesian brain computer addict community) finally, introducing GetDataBack. Applicating this simply tools can make my data back of again even had been formatted, and some experiences is hit by local viruses. but its weakness is if failing in do recovery during 5 x or more, or hard disk has bad sector; no more hope. Even if data file name has been found with file magnitude as according to initial data, permanent office files cannot be opened in an optimal, even opened hence will emerge mystery letters or I am ordinary applies word " machine language", equally the file is encryption again.While for a few application file (extension exe), the file cannot be applied by its supporter file is also is encryption again or returns raw. That is my experience of applying GetdataBack. The next, a friend from Malaysia has worked for Zelan asked to me because get difficulty installs his HP notebook, my detective censor ringing, his Hewlett-Packard Hard Disk has often formatted so that installing Originally Windows , only comes up with process copying, screeeew. " the HD hits bad sector, pakde chungchin speaked up. The stars gathered then form light flash strikes hard my head. wueeeeks, called loudly again in yogyafree's forum, get some advice. hunting in 4shared. cool, I get some, there is some tool which name HDD Regenerator, this tool actually non tool recovery data, but to clean stripper hurt, errrrgh repairs bad sector at HDD. this tool made in the form of CD bootable so that can be application without admission Operating System, how to used this? just easy conect HDD at PC or direct at notebook, get in CD HDD Regenerator, remains 3 x compress enter, get some coffee, and now Mr. Ben from Zelan laugh satisfied when his note book is operable again. some experiences using HDD regenerator, many successes experience only and have ever been once to 15 Giga-s bad irreparable sector.4 day useless uuuuhh. There are some tool recovery which I have not tried like The Hard Disk Low Level Format, Disc Repair, final recovery, bad copy, it's alot such. Download Get Data Back FAT, download portable GetDataBack NTFS, download HDD Regenerator


ini merupakan sekedar curhat tentang pengalaman yang telah saya lakukan. Kisah mengenaskan yang pertama kali saya alami sekitar tahun 2006, berbekal dengan Pentium 3 saya mengenalkan Kompie kepada keponakan yang berumur 4 tahun ( orang aneh, Hema bilang). Iseng aja sih, dasar kompie addict disuruh momong keponakan, teuteup aja ga bisa pisah ma kompie. wal hasil, saya kena akibatnya. Si kecil suka maenin mouse yang berwarna warni itu, pencet sana sini sampai akhirnya klik kanan format. whuaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Hasil bergelut dengan Artemia selama 1 tahun + back up skripsiku.... lenyap. dunia terasa berhenti berputar... sesaat (freez). tanya sini sono (mbah google, om rapid, pakde 4 shared,Yogyafree _brain kompie addict community) akhirnya, dikenalin tool GetDataBack. get data back ini setelah saya aplikasikan ternyata mampu membuat data saya balik lagi meski telah terformat, dan beberapa pengalaman terkena virus lokal. namun kelemahannya adalah apabila gagal dalam melakukan recovery selama 5 x atau lebih, atau Hard Disk mempunyai bad sector; jangan berharap lebih. Meski nama file datanya telah ditemukan dengan besaran file sesuai dengan data awal, file-file perkantoran tetap tidak bisa dibuka secara optimal, meski terbuka maka akan muncul huruf-huruf misteri atau saya biasa menggunakan kata "bahasa mesin", dengan kata lain file tersebut terenkripsi kembali. sedangkan untuk beberapa file aplikasi (ekstensi exe), file tersebut tidak bisa digunakan karena file pendukungnya juga terenkripsi lagi atau kembali mentah. itu pengalaman saya menggunakan GetdataBack. berikutnya seorang teman dari Malaysia yang bekerja untuk Zelan meminta saya karena kerepotan sewaktu menginstal notebook HPnya. Selidik punya selidik, Hard Disk
Hewlett-Packardnya telah seringkali diformat sehingga installing Windows Original-nya, hanya sampai pada proses copying, blethak.... pecas ndahe. "HDnya kena bad sector, pakde"chungchin bilang. blethak lagiii, eh bukan ding, jledher...jledher... Sun putune Ki Ageng Selo datan ajrih mring maruta lan gelap ngampar sak dhanyange. wueeeeks, teriak-teriak lagi di forum yogyafree, dapet advice. pakde 4shared dilabrak lagi suruh melototin apa guna daya upaya. dapet neh, ada tool yang namanya HDD Regenerator, tool ini sebenarnya bukan tool recovery data, tapi untuk membersihkan luka lama, eh memperbaiki bad sector pada HDD. tool ini dibuat dalam bentuk CD bootable sehingga bisa diaplikasikan tanpa masuk Operating System, cara penggunaanya? gampang aja kok colokin HDDnya pada PC atau langsung pada notebooknya masukin CD HDD Regeneratornya, tinggal 3 x tekan enter, dah bisa digunakan aktivitas laen-laen.Sekarang cling..cling.. cling.. si Ben dr Zelan ketawa ketiwi note booknya aktif lagi. Beberapa pengalaman menggunakan HDD regenerator, banyak suksesnya cuma pernah sekali sampai 15 Giga bad sectornya tidak dapat diperbaiki. 4 hari yang mubadzir.Mungkin ada beberapa tool recovery yang belum saya coba seperti The Hard Disk Low Level Format, Disk Repair, final recovery, bad copy, wuah banyak deh. Download Get Data Back FAT, download portable GetDataBack NTFS, download HDD Regenerator

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